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Will Smith, Mark MansonA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Will Smith’s father, Willard Caroll Smith, needs a new wall for his shop, and he decides that Will and his younger brother, Harry, will be the ones to build it. Will and Harry spend every day for almost a year constructing this wall. Daddio accepts no excuses for missing a day of work. When he hears the two boys complaining about how overwhelmed they are by the scale of the task, he tells them to ignore the idea of the wall and simply focus on doing the best they can with each individual brick. Smith explains that this situation mirrors other situations in his life where he has had to learn hard lessons despite himself. He sees now that the key to success in any endeavor is just to keep laying bricks.
When he is a young boy, Smith sees his father hit his mother so hard that she collapses. For his whole life since then, he has apologized to his mother for failing to protect her at that moment. He sees himself as a coward for failing to act. He explains that Smith is largely a character he has created to hide his cowardice.
Smith describes his father as a source of both great inspiration and great pain. Willard went to a boarding school as a teenager, but he purposefully got himself kicked out and joined the military. There he learned discipline and order, two concepts that would help him throughout his entire life. His anger and his drinking, however, hindered his success. He was discharged after he shot up his barracks one night while drunk. He then went back to school and got a job at a steel mill before deciding to start his own refrigeration business.
Smith’s mother, Carolyn Elaine Bright, was a highly educated woman who believed that “knowledge was the only thing that the world couldn’t take away from you” (4). Mom-Mom, as Smith calls her, was living with Smith’s grandmother, Gigi, when she met Willard. She was attracted to his ambition and his humor. The two got married and worked together to build Willard’s business.
Gigi works a graveyard shift so she can be home with Smith during the day when his parents work. Smith’s twin siblings, Harry and Ellen, are eventually added to the family. Daddio works hard, and he is able to purchase the family a home in Wynnefield, a neighborhood in west Philadelphia with a strong community and many children. Smith says that his middle-class upbringing will eventually lead to the criticism he received as a rapper for not being in gangs or on drugs.
Daddio takes a militaristic approach to raising his children, always demanding perfection. He uses fear, as Smith says most Black families do, to protect his children. Daddio wants to prepare his children to face a tough world, but his parenting style also cultivates an atmosphere of anxiety. Because Smith is constantly afraid in his home, he becomes hypervigilant, paying attention to every detail around him. He will continue to do this later in his life.
His mother is not one to allow herself to be commanded, and she maintains that while Willard is capable of hitting her, he is not capable of hurting her. She refuses to stay silent. His younger brother, Harry, also stands up to his father, and Pam, his older sister, acts like a bodyguard for Will. Smith sees himself as a family coward. To make up for it, he decides to be funny. He believes that if he can keep his father laughing, they will all be safe.
Smith has a vivid imagination as a child, and he often makes up fantastic stories about what happens to him. He thrives when he can share the products of his imagination with others. Other children, however, begin to see Smith as a liar because of his fantastic stories. He develops an imaginary friend named Magicker. Smith has a lot of confidence and does not care much what others think. When everyone else wants a Huffy bike, he wants a Raleigh Chopper. Since he has what he describes as a “delusional level of confidence,” he does not care when other people make fun of him (24).
Smith’s fantasies result in heartache when they conflict with reality, but they also protect him from reality. For example, he fantasizes that he can keep his father happy enough to protect his mother. His belief that he is a coward is exacerbated when he sees a young girl go into the home of a known sex offender and he is too terrified to tell an adult. Magicker keeps telling him to tell someone, and when he does not, he never sees his imaginary friend again.
Smith and Gigi are mesmerized by a performance by Reverend Ronald West at the Resurrection Baptist Church. After seeing Gigi so moved by the performance, Smith decides that he wants to be able to make people feel the way the reverend does. Gigi is highly religious and lives out the gospel more than anybody else Smith has ever met. One day, a homeless woman walks down the street, and Gigi invites the woman inside, cleans her clothes, gives her a meal, bathes her, and gives her some of her own clothes. Caring for others is an honor for Gigi. Where Daddio represents discipline and Mom-Mom represents education, Gigi represents God and love to Smith. One day, Gigi tells Smith that he must perform on the piano at the Easter church service. Smith does not believe that he is ready, but she convinces him. He is so moved by the look in her eyes when he performs that he spends the rest of his life trying to find that look again.
Smith begins to realize that he is straddling the white and Black worlds, growing up in a Black neighborhood but going to a predominantly white Catholic school. This dichotomy affects him later on as a rapper when white audiences find him safe but Black audiences see him as being too soft. As a child, he uses his humor to protect him in both Black and white environments.
When Will is 13 years old, his mother leaves his father, and Harry moves in with his mother. Still, Smith continues to see his mother every day. As a child, Smith decides that one day he will have a lot of property, and everybody will live together on it.
Will’s cousin, Paul, comes to live with Daddio because Paul has been getting into trouble at home. Paul enjoys Smith’s humor, and he makes Smith feel safe. It is through Paul that Smith first discovers hip-hop. Smith explains that because hip-hop was not played on the radio at that time, people would swap cassette tapes of live performances called mixtapes. Hip-hop originated at block parties, where DJs played music for people to dance to. Eventually, DJs learned to create their own music from existing records through techniques like scratching (57). Because the job was so intense, DJs could not interact with the audience, so they brought an MC, who rhymed in the break beats—an art form now known as rapping. Paul owns a lot of mixtapes from his trips to the city, and he shares them with Smith. New York MC Grandmaster Caz becomes a major influence in Smith’s musical career. Caz makes Smith believe it is okay to be who he is.
Smith starts rapping all day, every day as he goes about his life. He leaves his Catholic school because of mistreatment, and he begins attending the predominantly Black Overbrook High School. On his first day, he gets knocked unconscious by another student. The police get involved, and Gigi warns Smith that if he stops “talking so much, maybe [he] could see some of those hits coming” (63). One day his grandmother finds a notebook of Smith’s rhymes. Imitating his hip-hop idols, Smith’s lyrics include vulgarities and foul language. Gigi writes him a note saying that he can use his gift with words to uplift other people. This makes Smith realize that his way with words is a strength and gives him power. He decides to use that power to uplift others, and he never again uses foul language in his rhymes even when his choice draws criticism from others.
Smith begins to incorporate humor into his raps, which gives him the upper hand when he starts having battles with other rappers. Smith never loses a rap battle, and his skills win him popularity in the hip-hop scene. He attributes his success to the work ethic his father instilled in him. Instead of doing drugs, he practices constantly, filling notebooks with rhymes. He has a teacher in school who constantly calls him Prince, short for Prince Charming. One day, while joking with her, he asks her to call him Fresh Prince, and his MC name is born.
Smith meets Melanie Parker at school. She refuses to call him Prince, and she becomes the only person to call him by his given name, Willard. He begins walking her home every day, carrying her art portfolio. Melanie lives with her aunt because her mother killed her father. Smith convinces his parents to let Melanie live with them after she has a falling out with her aunt, but she is forced to move out when Mom-Mom catches the two of them having sex. She moves back in with her aunt. Will vows to get a home for him and Melanie one day. He joins a hip-hop crew, but the other members do not have the same work ethic that he does. When he tells the group that he no longer wants to be a part of it, they refuse to let him buy the sampling beat box they all purchased together, so he smashes it. When Daddio’s van is damaged and everything is stolen out of it, Daddio tells Paul to leave the situation alone because stuff like that happens. Paul feels responsible, however, and he beats the man who did it and everyone with him. Because of his disobedience, he never returns to Daddio’s house.
Will Smith’s memoir begins with an Introduction entitled “The Wall” and ends with an Afterword entitled “The Jump.” Both of these sections detail a defining moment in Smith’s life. The Introduction anchors Smith’s life and book in the lessons he learns from his father, emphasizing from the outset the recurring theme of The Importance of Parental Involvement. The first section of the book sets up the ways that Smith’s father, mother, and grandmother shape who he will become, for better and for worse. Smith never pretends that his parents are perfect. He recognizes the violence his father inflicts on his mother and the problems with some of the lessons he teaches his son, and he reflects on the ways the coping mechanisms he learns from his mother both help and hinder him as he grows. Will therefore takes a nuanced approach to the theme: Parental involvement is imperative to a child’s development but can harm as well as help.
One of the most important positive lessons Smith learns from his father is the value of perseverance and working to the best of his ability. Both of these lessons are taught, in part, through the wall Daddio forces Smith and his brother to build. Not many young people are tasked with spending a year building a wall, but it is in part because of the extreme nature of the task that it makes such a lasting impression on Smith. By placing this anecdote at the very beginning of the memoir in an unnumbered chapter, Smith demonstrates the role building the wall plays in influencing his thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and actions for the rest of his life. He learns to focus on executing each task in front of him as well as he can, rather than worrying about the outcome. Daddio is not portrayed as a perfect person, but his lasting positive effects are most apparent in the lessons Smith learns from the building of the wall.
Smith dedicates much of the book to tracing the roots of his issues as a middle-aged man to his childhood experiences. His father is the dominant influence on him, as reflected by his centrality to the introductory anecdote in “The Wall,” but Smith’s mother shapes his adult self as well. One motif in Smith’s life that will be developed later in the memoir is Smith’s tendency to avoid feelings, a tendency he absorbs from observing his mother. In the first chapter, he reveals that his father is at times a violent man whose main goal is building up his children to protect them from the future. His mother receives the brunt of Daddio’s violence. To survive, she blocks off the part of herself that can be hurt, entering an emotional state in which Daddio can damage her body but not hurt her soul. This becomes relevant in later chapters of the book when Smith details the ways he disregards his own emotions and others. Though this helps him survive in some contexts the way it helps his mother, he discovers that the habit also hurts those he loves, illustrating both the positive and negative sides of the importance of parental involvement.
Smith also connects another driving personality trait to an incident involving his mother and father’s tumultuous relationship. Smith feels as though he failed to protect his mother from his father as a child. When he cannot or does not protect people, he blames himself, and this blame helps to define how he sees himself in general. Since he cannot physically intervene, Smith learns to use one of his greatest talents, his ability to make people laugh, to try to protect his mother from his father. Then, when he sees a young girl go into the home of a known sex offender, he again believes he must protect her by telling an adult, but he is too afraid to do so. This brands him, in his own eyes, as a coward. He writes, “I couldn’t even tell someone that somebody else was potentially being hurt. What was wrong with me? Why was I always so afraid? Why was I such a coward?” (32). When the desire to protect those around him confronts the fear and inabilities he faces as a child, he is left feeling like a coward. This feeling of cowardice and his desire to overcome it foreshadow the catharsis he reaches in the final section of the book, “The Jump.”
Finally, the first chapters of the book set up the theme of The Importance of Words and Stories. One of the ways Smith copes with his life as a child is through fantasies and storytelling. He invents characters such as his imaginary friend, Magicker, and creates imaginary narratives to process the stressful experiences he has at home and school. Smith’s childhood reliance on stories to understand himself and his life foreshadows the role storytelling has when he becomes an actor. After he grows out of make-believe, Smith gets involved in hip-hop, becoming obsessed with creating his own lyrics as an MC. When his grandmother scolds him for the vulgar lyrics she discovers in his notebook, he begins to think more deeply about the impact words can have on people. The words and stories he discovers and creates through hip-hop help him define who he is and what he dreams about becoming.
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